Commissioner Ron Dunning

Commissioner Ron Dunning, District 3

Commissioner Ron DunningCurrent Term, January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027Commissioner Dunning is currently serving his second term on the Port of Walla Walla Commission.  He represents District #3 in the Western portion of Walla Walla County, which includes the communities of College Place, Touchet, Lowden, Burbank, Eureka and Clyde. Commissioner Dunning is the former owner of Dunning Irrigation. He is also co-owner of Touchet Seed & Energy, an oil-seed crusher for biofuels.  Commissioner Dunning is a member of the Touchet-Gardena Lions Club and a founder of the Touchet Education Foundation.  He attended Columbia Basin College.

Contact Information

Ron Dunning
1078 Gardena Creek Rd.
Touchet, WA 99360
Ph. (509) 520-1373

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