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Walla Walla Regional Airport Increases Security

FAA requires new fencing for enhanced aviation security
Installation is nearly complete on some 22,000 feet of fencing to enhance security around the Walla Walla Regional Airport.

The contract for the first phase of the project was awarded to Northwest Fence, Inc. The cost of phase one is approximately $315,000 with the Federal Aviation Administration paying 90% and the airport providing the balance.

The first phase will fence in airport boundaries adjacent to U.S. Highway 12 on the south side and Middle Waitsburg Road on the west side.

Airport Manager Larry Adams said portions of the fence adjacent to the terminal building and at the main access gate off Middle Waitsburg Road will be clad with green vinyl for aesthetic purposes.

The second phase of the fencing project will stretch along 15,000 feet of the northern perimeter of the airport.

Walla Walla Sheriff’s Deputies handle airport security
Flight-time security responsibilities at the Walla Walla Regional Airport are now being handled by deputies from the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s office.

While the Washington National Guard managed that task immediately following the events of September 11, 2001, the Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Department assumed that role in May, 2002. Working under a contract with the Transportation Security Administration, local deputies will handle the security assignment until TSA enforcment officers are on site.

Airport Manager Larry Adams had high praise for Walla Walla deputies for their professionalism and help in meeting the ongoing airport law enforcement requirements.

New Systems for passenger and baggage checkpoints to be in place before year end

New systems that meet Transportation Security Administration “passenger checkpoint and 100% checked baggage screening requirements” will be in place at the Walla Walla Regional Airport before the end of the year.

Port of Walla Walla officials said that Lockheed Martin, consultant to TSA, has completed its site assessment and concluded that the existing security screening space is large enough to accommodate the new systems.

Larry Adams, airport manager, said the Lockheed Martin design for the checkpoint is expected to efficiently move passengers through the screening process.

New screening equipment will include a walk through metal detector, wanding stations, an Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) machine and closed circuit TV cameras.

Adams also said the airport has been working with Boeing, also a consultant to TSA, to meet the 100% checked baggage screening requirement.

Plans currently under review provide for an Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) machine to be installed in the spare airline ticket counter space immediately adjacent to Horizon Air. Adams explained that this would allow the machine to be installed without making renovations to the terminal building.

He added that in the future, should a second airline decide to serve Walla Walla, plans call for the existing ticket counters to be moved three feet into the lobby to allow the ETD machines to be located behind the ticket counters.

Systems that meet new checked baggage screening requirements are to be in place and operational by December 31, 2002.

 Airport amenities include restaurant and gift shop


Full service restaurant and lounge serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Opens at 6:00 a.m., Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. For menu listings visit www.florentynas.com

Phone: 509-525-2294

Coffee Connection Cafe
@ the Airport

Internet access, coffee bar, Walla Walla gifts and souvenirs. Open 7:30 - 9:00 am, 12:30 - 2:30 pm and 5:00 - 6:30 pm. For info visit www.coffeeconnectioncafe.com

Phone: 509-529-9999

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