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U.S. Highway 12 four-laning continues, Phase 3 under construction

   While motorists enjoy divided-highway safety on the first two phases of U.S. Highway 12 four-laning - from Burbank to Dodd Road - crews have begun work on phase three, the section that continues to the Boise pulp and paper mill.
   Apollo, Inc., of Kennewick, was awarded the contract for the three-plus miles in mid-summer and the project is scheduled for completion next year.
   The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) said Apollo’s $11.2 million bid was the lowest of three submitted. The state says total cost is expected to reach $16.4 million, a sum that exceeds earlier estimates because of the volatility of asphalt prices. Right:Washington State Department of Transportation artist’s rendering of completed Phase 3 of Highway 12 four-laning.

Above:Washington State Department of Transportation artist’s rendering of completed Phase 3 of Highway 12 four-laning

Construction of Phase 6
to begin in 2008...
Environmental permitting and design work are
moving ahead on the McDonald Road - near
Lowden - to Walla Walla route.
According to the department’s status report,
aquisition on the first of 31 properties required
for the project has been completed.
Construction on this stretch (Phase 6)
is scheduled to begin in early 2008
and be completed the next year. A
combination of federal, state and gasoline tax
monies are committed to fund the $50.4 million

   The Port of Walla Walla and the U.S. Highway 12 Coalition, an
alliance of public and private organizations, have successfully lobbied
Congress and the legislature for funding for U.S. Highway 12 fourlaning.
To learn more about the Coalition’s efforts visit its Web site
at www.ushighway12.com

Port allocates $200,000 to help fund Isaacs Avenue improvements

   The Port of Walla Walla has awarded a
grant to the City of Walla Walla to help
fund improvements now underway on
Isaacs Avenue.
   Port commissioners unanimously
approved a $200,000 allocation to help
pay for widening the thoroughfare from
Wilbur to Tausick Way to four lanes and
adding center turn lanes, pedestrian and
bicycle paths and landscaping.

   Port Commissioner Fred Bennett said
the Port’s contribution comes from the
Economic Development Sales Tax Fund,
which is created by eight-tenths of one
percent of state sales taxes generated
locally. The Port receives two-thirds of
the fund, while the county gets a third.
   “The Isaacs Avenue improvements will
make a major difference in providing
better access to Walla Walla Community

College and developing commercial and
residential properties in the Eastgate
neighborhood,” Bennett said. “It’s
important for the Port to be part of that.”
   Walla Walla City Manager Duane Cole said the Port’s contribution will help offset the $2.4 million cost of street repairs planned as part of the project. Another $2.2 million is budgeted for sewer, water and electrical service improvements.


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