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State, Federal budgets include $66.8 million for U.S. Highway 12 four-laning work

   Recently approved programs in Washington State and the nation’s capital included nearly $66.8 million for continued work on the fourlaning of U.S. Highway 12 between Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities.
   The most recent - and largest - allocation comes from money to be generated by a new 9.5 cents per gallon Washington State gasoline tax. State lawmakers okayed the four year highway funding program during the 2005 legislative session in Olympia. The Highway 12 money will be used to build four-lanes from the City of Walla Walla to McDonald Road near Lowden and complete a “grade separated” interchange at U.S. Highway 12 and S.R. 124 in Burbank. Additional dollars from the tax-supported fund will go toward extending Myra
Road north to Highway 12 at Pine Street. Senator Mike Hewitt, of Walla Walla, played an instrumental role in securing the funding for these projects.
   Local officials point out that for every dollar Walla Walla area
residents pay in state gas taxes, Walla Walla County gets an estimated $1.42 for highway improvements. The pay back is described by transportation experts as “an excellent return on our investment.” In addition to the state funding, the 2005 federal budget includes $2.25 million for U.S. Highway 12 improvements and the House Transportation Efficiency Act Reauthorization Bill has $4.3 million allocated for Phase VI of the four-laning project.
According to the U.S. Highway 12 Coalition, U.S. Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Cathy McMorris played key roles insecuring the most recent funding.

This “Casey Pond Section” of U.S. Highway 12 four-laning was recently completed ahead of schedule and under the $11.1 million budget.

Walla Walla delegation says “thanks” to Murray, McMorris

   During a recent visit to Washington D.C., representatives of the Port of Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, and the Cities of Walla Walla and College Place, presented Senator Patty Murray and Congresswoman Cathy McMorris with copies of a commemorative painting of a completed portion of the 4-laning of U.S. Highway 12. (See page 3)

Pictured left to right: Ken Jantz, Port of Walla Walla Commissioner; Jerry Cummins, City of Walla Walla Council Member; Senator Patty Murray; Jim Caddey, Boise Paper Financial Manager; Dave Carey, Walla Walla County Commissioner; Ed Ammon, City of College Place Mayor.

Pictured left to right: Dave Carey, Walla Walla County Commissioner; Jerry Cummins, City of Walla Walla Council Member; Congresswoman Cathy McMorris; Ed Ammon, City of College Place Mayor; Ken Jantz, Port of Walla Walla Commissioner; Jim Caddey, Boise Paper Financial Manager.
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