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New technology
means “wireless”
Internet service
for WW regional
airport terminal

   Persons at the Walla Walla Regional Airport terminal now enjoy wireless Internet access thanks to a joint venture by the Port of Walla Walla and PocketiNet Communications.
   PocketiNet Chairman Todd Brandenburg said the service will allow anyone with a wireless laptop or PDA to connect to the Internet at no cost, without phone line or wall jack, from anywhere in the terminal building.
   Brandenburg continued, “We believe that it further distinguishes the airport and the Walla Walla Valley as a progressive community and leader in customer service. It’s going to make the airport a more desirable location.”
   Port Commission Vice President Paul Schneidmiller added, “We are excited to offer this new service to both the traveling public and our airport users.”
    PocketiNet Communications was founded in 2000 as a supplier of business broadband to Southeastern Washington and Northeastern Oregon. The firm’s corporate headquarters is located on the second floor of the airport terminal building.

Retired Manager Larry Adams lists the Walla Walla Regional Airport terminal building, completed in 2001, as one of the “big changes” during his term.
   Larry Adams is making plans to do some fishing -- and lots of it!
   Adams, who has been manager of the Walla Walla Regional Airport since 1990, retired April 30, 2005. While he’s “thinking” about some part-time airport consulting, a first priority is a little travel and spending a lot of time on the North Idaho streams of his boyhood years.
   During his 14 plus years in Walla Walla, Adams witnessed significant changes in the local airport.
    On top of the list was the completion of the ultra-modern, $10 million terminal building that opened in 2001. The rest of the impressive accomplishments include taxi-way improvements, construction of 11 new hanger buildings and recent improvements to the main runway.
   All totaled, capital projects costing more than $22 million were completed during Adams’ watch.
   A big chunk of those dollars, nearly 70 percent, came from federal sources. According to Port of Walla Walla officials, Adams effective working relationship with the Federal Aviation Administration was helpful in bringing that money to Walla Walla.
   Even with those achievements, Adams says his successor will still have plenty to do. The “want list” includes continued
runway improvements, acquisition of property for future runway development and modernization of airport lighting.
   Adams estimates future expenditures about $8 million between now and 2010.
The retired airport manager also sees the need for continuing efforts to build flight traffic and ongoing programs to upgrade the site’s industrial park.
   “We’ve done a terrific job,” Adams said, “but we need to do even more to prepare for the future.”
   A former Marine Corp officer who flew Vietnam combat missions and served as president’s helicopter pilot, Adams has also been a school teacher, real estate agent and fire district manager.
   His first airport management job was head of Pullman’s one-man department.
“I got to do everything there,” Adams explained, “...from sweeping the floors to clearing the snow.”
   “Coming to Walla Walla where there was a staff was a real joy,” Adams said.
    The operating and administrative people here are skilled and dedicated,” he continued. “They’re excellent representatives of the Port and it’s been rewarding to serve on the same team with people like that.”
   Adams also emphasized that working with the Port of Walla Walla Commissionhas been a pleasure.
   “These men have a real vision for the Port and the airport,” Adams said. “It’s an honor that they’ve had faith in my abilities to do the job.”

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