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Walla Walla Trends Website attracts international interest

    While most of the nearly 3,000 “site visits” recorded by the Walla Walla Trends Web site in the past year originated from U.S. cities, more than a few came from foreign locations. For example, during September, 2009 the site recorded users from Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates and Israel. All totaled, the month’s visits came from 119 cities.
    According to an analysis of page views during the period, categories attracting the most interest included economic vitality, people, housing/transportation, education, health and environment.
Walla Walla Trends was introduced in July, 2008 by the Port of Walla Walla in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Commerce and Eastern Washington University.
    Port President Dr. Fred Bennett emphasized that the site is intended to promote informed decision making. “We’re leaving it to the users to access the information and apply their own value judgment regarding the trends.
    Persons can be added to the Trends quarterly newsletter by calling the Port at 509-525-3100 or by visiting the site at www.wallawallatrends.com.

Walla Walla Trends

Horizon Air passenger counts are positive, but still below goals

    Despite challenging economic times, passenger enplanements on Horizon Air at the Walla Walla Regional Airport remain strong. January through July 2009 passenger enplanements totaled 18,574 as compared to 17,044 for the same period last year. A nine percent increase in challenging economic times is positive news.
    While passenger enplanements are up, Horizon considers Walla Walla a marginal market. The Port along with the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce Air Travel Coalition continues to encourage travelers to fly out of Walla Walla whenever possible.
    Port Commissioner Paul Schneidmiller points out that Horizon needs improved load factors for each flight to break even in the Walla Walla market. “Even though passenger enplanements are up,” Schneidmiller said, “the Walla Walla market has not consistently met the airline’s target. Retaining commercial air service is important to our long-term economic vitality.”

WW Regional Airport Statistics

Number of aircraft operations
Estimated Horizon Passenger Boardings
Gallons of Aviation Fuel Sold (Jet A & 100LL)
Number of Aircraft Based at WW Regional Airport

WWII Plain

    For more than few Valley residents, a special “tour stop” of the B-17 Sentimental Journey at the Walla Walla Regional Airport was a reason to remember their own service on board similar airplanes during World War II.
    Port Commissioner Paul Schneidmiller said that the availability of the historic aircraft for tours and fl ights offered everybody, including veterans who piloted B-17s and others who were assigned to “Flying Fortress” crews, a unique opportunity to share their historic experiences with families and friends. “I’ve never experienced anything like it,” Schneidmiller said. “It really gave us a chance to reach out to our communities.”
    The Sentimental Journey visit was part of an August weekend that included participation by businesses located at the airport.

“On behalf of the crew of the B-17 Sentimental Journey and the Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force , I want to thank you for making our tour stop so successful and memorable. We are still talking about your wonderful hospitality and the welcoming ways of the people we met in Walla Walla.”
Dave Bende, CAF Arizona Wing


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