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Canadian company puts plant in Walla Walla to produce products that WERK on waste control and management

Infield Products Inc., headquartered in Alberta, Canada, picked a Port of Walla Walla site for its new processing and packaging plant because of its availability and affordability.
“The existing facility in the Port’s Isaacs Avenue Business Park provides us with the access, size and services we need to manufacture and distribute our product mix,” said Tyrel Kenmore, co-founder and CEO of Infield. “Here we have the ability to custom blend and package to our customer’s specific needs.”
Infield Products designs, manufactures and distributes materials that make waste management more effective. Infield’s WERK,
for example, utilizes patent pending PolyOrganic solidifying agents that replace the use of high volume bulking agents such as sawdust, fly ash and dirt. According to Infield Products, these traditional bulking agents add 50% to 200% to the waste’s overall volume, adding to transportation costs, disposal fees and overall environmental impact.
WERK agents typically require significantly less (2% to 4%) volume to achieve desired solidification and stabilization for acceptable disposal of slurry waste materials.
For convenience in shipping and storage, WERK agents are typically available in easy to manage 50-pound weather resistant bags, although some products, like DirtWERK, can be sold in bulk.
Walla Walla’s geographic location is close to Columbia Basin sources of raw materials used in the manufacture of WERK agents, and near major highway routes reaching Mid-Western and Central U.S. and Canadian petroleum and gas exploration and processing sites that represent a significant customer base for WERK products.
For additional information about Infield Products and its WERK
solidifying agents, visit www.infieldproducts.com.
Martin Archery
WERK by the bag • Production Foreman Kevin Walker demonstates new bagging equipment at Infield Products’ Walla Walla plant.
Photo by Donna Lasater

NewCore opens Port District site, gets set to begin revitalization of used WW Valley wine barrels

In a “not very big building” at the Port of Walla Walla’s Dell Avenue Business Park, what’s inside is expected to have a significant
impact on Walla Walla Valley wineries.
The space is the home of NewCore, a
creative company that’s determined to
scientifically extend barrel life.
NewCore CEO Kelley Peters describes his business as a technologically advanced service
that has “elevated us as the industry leaders in the science of barrel revitalization.”
Rather than purchasing new wine barrels to replace neutral barrel inventories each year, NewCore allows the re-use of these barrels providing consistency and cost savings.
Peters explains that NewCore’s
sophisticated software system guides
computer controlled equipment that works with a precision that gives winemakers
a consistent profile each time a barrel is


Barrel revitalization • Technician “cores” used wine barrel for re-use.
Photo coutesy NewCore

Protecting the flavors and qualities of the wine is only part of the benefit package,
according to Peters.
“With each barrel that experiences NewCore’s process, the winery saves the expense of buying new barrels,” Peters explains. “A revived barrel can be used two to three more times after the NewCore process.”

“Our goal is to enhance the efficiency of winery practices both environmentally and economically.”

Kelley R. Peters
Chief Executive Officer, NewCore

NewCore’s equipment is somewhat
mobile. That means “coring” can be
completed in the Dell Avenue facility or when conditions allow, at the winery.
The bottom line, says Peters, is that by reinvesting in neutral barrels through NewCore’s process, a winery can potentially double the life expectancy of every barrel purchased.
For more information about NewCore, visit www.newcoretp.com

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