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Alder Street

The Walla Walla Valley’s long-sought goal of a four-lane highway between Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities took a significant step forward with the passage of a Washington State Transportation Revenue Package. Included in the transportation package was $168 million to complete the next phase of widening U.S. Highway 12 (Phase 7) and advance work on the final phase (Phase 8).
Phase 7 encompasses a new four-lane highway that proceeds near Lowden and Touchet and ends just short of Nine Mile Hill. The cost for this phase is estimated at $126 million.
The Department of Transportation is proceeding with final design efforts and beginning the process of purchasing right of way. The project will be ready to bid in the fall of 2018. Motorists should be driving on this new stretch of highway in 2020.
The remaining funding of approximately $42 million will be
earmarked to start environmental studies and early design work for the last phase (Phase 8). This phase starts at Nine Mile Hill and ends near the Boise Paper Mill. This segment is estimated to cost $250 million. Construction funding has yet to be secured for Phase 8.

Port of Walla Walla officials have high praise for the leadership of the 16th Legislative District and the U.S. Highway 12 Coalition for their on going support and efforts to secure funding.
“I would like to personally recognize the outstanding efforts of Senator Mike Hewitt and Representatives Maureen Walsh and Terry Nealy,” Port Commission President Ron Dunning emphasized. “Our elected officials fought hard to make sure local transportation projects were included in the overall state transportation funding package.”


US 12/SR 124 Intersection Build Interchange - $21.3 million
PHASE 1 McNary Pool to Attalia - $11.2 million
PHASE 2 SR 124 to McNary Pool - $12.1 million
PHASE 3 Attalia Vicinity - $16.0 million
PHASE 4 Wallula Junction to Walla Walla Corridor Study - $5.4 million
PHASE 5 Attalia to US 730 – Preliminary Design Only - $0.8 million
PHASE 6 Frenchtown Vicinity to Walla Walla - $51.9 million
PHASE 7 Nine Mile Hill to Frenchtown Vicinity - Funded
PHASE 8 Wallula to Nine Mile Hill - Design & Right of Way Funded

Burbank utilities project completed

     The $6.8 million project that included a sewer transmission system and water mains to serve the Burbank community has been completed. The multi-year installation was dedicated by school district and county officials, state legislators and Port District Commissioners during a celebratory September, 2015 event.
A key component of the improvements is the extension of a new sewer transmission system to serve the Burbank School District, the Port’s Industrial and Business Parks and neighboring communities.
The improvements moved forward when the Port reached an agreement with the City of Pasco to provide sewer treatment services. Port Commissioner Peter Swant says completion of the project will spur economic development in the Burbank area and within the 120 acre business park.

We want you to be informed...
Burbank Utilities Dedication • (Left to Right) Columbia School District Superintendent Dr. Lou Gates, Port Commissioner Ron Dunning, Representative Terry Nealey, Port Commissioner Peter Swant, Port Commissioner Mike Fredrickson, County Commissioner Jim Duncan.
Photo by Don Fleming

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